Friday, January 29, 2010

The Go Ahead

Well, today I was given the go ahead to start another HSG injectable cycle. This will be cycle number 2 that we have tried this approach. So today consisted of an ultra-sound to verify that I am cyst free and able to start these shots. For those who don't know, I have to give the shots to myself in my stomach every night around the same time. "Give yourself a shot?" Some might ask, but really, it doesn't hurt and it is something that I am use to now. The doctor decided to start the dosage at the same amount where I stopped on my last cycle. So, out buddy!  The doctor is hoping that is will be a shorter cycle than in November. I am hoping and praying that he is right! So my prayer is:

"Thank you Lord that there is no distance in the Spirit, that your Word says that children are a heritage of the Lord and happy is the man that has his quiver full.?

Father, I pray that you would open my Womb and heal me of any & all infirmity that has caused this infertility. I speak to this barren womb now, and say be full, and fruitful and alive. May it bring forth blessed children of the Lord, in Jesus Name! Amen."

To God be the Glory,

Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Do......and other thoughts

Well, after three years....I changed my hair! Yes, I did! It was pretty scary. I tried someone new who came highly recommended by my cousin Joni. And, I loved her! She was awesome!

So lately, I feel like God is putting all of these people in my life who need reminding of God's Holy Scriptures. A friend/co-worker who is having triplets, a co-worker that I see every day and several Facebook friends. I have to admit that I do read the Bible, but not nearly as much as I should or am I one whom has ever been one to quote scripture when needed. Of course, we all have are standards that we have memorized, but to really recite scriptures? I am taking this challenge and sign that I, we all need to read more about God's holy word.

On Saturday, Ben and I went to the "Book of Eli" starring Denzel Washington. Wow! What a mission he completed and with all of the challenges that he faced! He memorized the entire Bible. He was able to quote scriptures and in fact recite every word, miracle and event that was written in this scared book.

Have you dived into His word lately?

To God be the Glory,

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

"Another fresh new year is here . . .
Another year to live!
To banish worry, doubt, and fear,
To love and laugh and give!

This bright new year is given me
To live each day with zest . . .
To daily grow and try to be
My highest and my best!

I have the opportunity
Once more to right some wrongs,
To pray for peace, to plant a tree,
And sing more joyful songs!”

~ William Arthur Ward

Well, another year is here for the Miller Family! Our prayer for this year is for another year of good health, happiness and blessings. God has blessed us so much in 2009 and we know that He has great plans for us in 2010! We have so much already planned for this year and so much to look forward to!

Ben and I will be diving in head first again this month into fertility treatments. Please keep us in your prayers this year as we forge head in expanding our family.

~ Jamie
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